Above U in the Sky

Friday, September 08, 2006

L-O-N-G day

SO you know how I was complaining about not having a long layover any more? Yea well I ate my own words today.
Stuck in Indianapolis.
Before those of you that live here start sending hate comments it's not were I am as far as City. It's were they chose to put the hotel. I have a view of the Rent-A-Car and a Gas station. Over priced Chinese food and to have it delivered you have to order enough for an army. (Note to self...BRING FOOD next trip)
Oh well I won't be eating Chinese for much longer anyways. Next week I am starting the CHANGE. Okay that was a bit over the top. I meant to say that my sister and I are going to be starting Weight Watchers. And I am going to start training to run in a 5k for Christmas and then a half marathon in March. Did I ever state that I am not a runner? That really I can't stand running?
I am hoping I just don't understand it. That really I am a runner at heart. I want to be runner, I want to be a tri-marathoner (for those of you real tri-ers out there is marathoner really a word?) as well. I am over my weight hindering what I could really be doing with my body.
So those of you that want to read about that part of my life you can go to: http://changingdaybyday.blogspot.com
Or just go to my profile and it's on there as well.
This site will go back to being about my life as a flight attendant and a wife.

Thursday, August 31, 2006

My New Favorite Thing

I have always have a "NEW FAVORITE" something.
Sometimes it changes weekly, maybe even daily. Blogging is my new favorite thing.
Okay so I really don't have anyone reading my blogs and I have not gotten to the point that I
blog daily. BUT it's still my favorite.
I love meeting new people. I'm a flight attendant so I pretty much meet at LOT of people every
day. So when I get home---well it's more like when I get into the hotel ---the first thing I do is read what happened to my new found friends on line.
SO maybe they don't know I am there friend, but when it gets to the point that I am telling my husband what they are up too and all these new places that I want to go see, yeah I'd rather call it friendship rather than being a plan old stocker (is that the right spelling?).
Besides I plan on talking to them one of these days...
You see I think I might have forgotten how to be a real friend. Or no maybe it's I have a hard time finding friends that understand my world right now.
I'm gone a lot (flight attendant----need I say more?) so when I do get those few sweet days home I spend them souly with my husband. The love of my life. So it's kinda hard to want to be spending the few days I have with him with some one else. And I moved to a new state...
I really don't mind not having "girl" time because I get to spend 3-4 days with two new people every week. We go shopping...Maybe work out...Site see...EAT (always a favorite thing of a F/A).
But this blogging thing...Yeah this is right up there for me. There are just so many possibilities out there with blogging. I've been reading some blogs from people that do triathlons. They make it sound SO interesting like it's something I could really get into. Swim--Bike--Run....Well I'd really have to uncover a passion for running that I don't think I have. But hey maybe it's there. Deep deep down. I've thought about the Danskin Tri before but who knows maybe I'll do one in 2007. The great part is that I can travel pretty much any where to get to a race...huh...(light bulb goes on in head!!!!)
So yes...I need to be signing off of this bloc and get some sleep. I've got to get up really early and fly to DTW and back to BWI and the dead-head home! Oh those are my favorite days. When it ends with a dead-head. Just one more F/A thought...What happened to l-o-n-g layovers. Where you get to do things and see things? Is it only me?? It feels like all I do is fly sleep eat. (and not in that order!) I miss those.
LABOR-DAY weekend is almost here!!!

Friday, August 25, 2006

Well I think I am really at a HUGE changing point in my life.
I was this close to signing up with Weight Watchers. As in I had everything filled out and all I need to do was click "CONTINUE". Then my mind went wild! Continue? With what the rest of my life? The rest of my new life...I mean I am ready but it's like shutting the door on a old friend. All 50 pounds of her! And this really will be my last "FREE FOR ALL" weekend.
I also found the most encouraging Blog. I felt like a bit of a stocker because I went and read almost a full years worth of blogging. She went on a diet and really went out 110% on the food and mostly the working out. She did it how I truly believe is the way to go. She worked her ass off! (no pun intended)
The thing that really got to me was just the willpower and determination that she had! TO get up at 5 AM and workout then go to work then workout and go home then do something else later that night! ARE you KIDDING me??? If she can do it then so can I. I'll use this blog as a major force to keep my goals on tract and to help hold some accountabilty.
So be perpared for a new blog...just for this weight loss.

I'm changing my life. I'm changing my life!

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

The Lake
Wakeboarding was by far the coolest thing that I learned to do this summer. I have always been a little bit scared of it. Maybe it was the falling down that always looked so painful! Or maybe it was the worry that I couldn't pull myself up out of the water. Maybe even still it was the fear of failing that always kept me on the sidelines. Whatever was the reason I over came it and I am really proud of myself because it didn't take long at all to get up! And what a feeling, gliding across the water. It's very empowering, even better than snowboarding. Well maybe not better they are really close but very different at the same time. On the water you are being pulled by the boat and you can take a break and just look around and enjoy nature. Of course it doesn't help that I get to wakeboard on the the most beautiful lake in the world. That I've seen...I've heard of one even better. But my lips are sealed it's my own little heaven.
I also learned how to do a front flip off the cliffs! Maybe I had to much sun that day. I never was in tumbling as a child and my family couldn't afford to send all their girls to gymnastics. So needless to say I never learned to do a flip not even a cartwheel!! I know I know what kind of childhood did I have?! (a great one by the way...) I think it is almost a natural reaction to want to flip and spin and move. I've always just had the biggest urge when I see a huge green lawn to just run and flip, just like the girls on the gymnastic teams I would watch as a little girl. They fly through the air and make it look so easy. I had enough and just did it off the front of the boat. Of course I did not spin fast enough and I did a back flop on the water. It stun like hell but then the pain was gone. Later that day we went to these cliffs and I was going to flip off the cliff. Of course once I was up there it was a little freaky. My tummy still gets a little bit flittery. But once I did it, it was great. And I did it again and again, it's almost that same kinda high you get when you workout doing something you love. I never knew that I could do that!
Maybe I am just in this place in my life where I am finally comfortable with my self and my body. Not to get confused with loving my body or really liking what it looks like but really knowing it, knowing what I can do with it. I am also very confident it my marriage and my life. I am just in a really good place right now. Maybe it's finally happening, maybe this little girl is finally becoming a women.

Monday, August 21, 2006

As a flight attendant I kind always thought (although it's never been voiced before) that flight attendants have it worse than the gate agents. That is until I got stuck at one of our ticket counters for 5 hours. Weather delay.
For those of you that never fly or fly once a year to see your parents, in which you are already stressed out. Do yourself a favor and grab a drink at the bar. Grab one for me as well. There is this thing called "thunderstorms" and they are in the air. It might not effect the way you drive as you all say but really you've all been caught in a crazy storm on the interstate where you were saying your prayers-sweat pouring down your face cause you can't see that car in front of you. The same car that was driving too slow before. However you don't see any problem with us flying a metal tube in the air durning this same type of storm. Only trust me your right up there with the clouds rockin-and-rollin.
Okay so we've got that down...The second thing would be that your gate agents are not God. As much as you feel they have this super computer with all of life's answers behind that counter, or at least your answer. To which the guy in front of you just asked, and the guy in front of him and so forth. In their defense there is no such "magic computer" honestly you're lucky if it works at any fast spend. As they pound they keys and hardly look up just give them a minute they do know that you are there.
The only people who really know anything are "them" the dreaded operations. They are the ones to vent all the anger towards.
But really they picked their job...so smile and if they roll their eyes or look upset just remember they might of just answered that question 6 times before you. And when they know something you'll know something. On this trust me. Fly smart Fly safe.

Monday, July 24, 2006

Thunderstorms scare me, which is not really a good thing when you live in the south. Is there ever a day without mid-afternoon thunderstorms? The rolling of the thunder I think is really what does it....And then that crackle...It's so loud it makes the noise of the jets seem like a background singer in a rock concert.
I want to be able to get over the fear and really enjoy the natural power of it. Oh there it went again... But it's still all so new to me. Growing up we never really had much rain so the thunderstorms were really something I read about or saw in a movie.
On the plane it's a different story. I've been hit by lighting for goodness sake! And I really do like the way we shake rattle and roll up there while we pass a thunderstorm. And I really like looking out the itty bitty tiny window in our galley and looking out across all the clouds and being able to spot the thunderstorms that are happening down there on earth. In the air I guess I feel safer (which I am, I've been hit by lighting remember?) than I do on land. And come on what is more beautiful than seeing a lighting storm in the distance? I guess I just enjoy watching it from above rather than it coming done on me full force!
I don't understand the differance really myself but it is who I am.

Sunday, July 23, 2006

Well here it starts. Blog number one. I am not really sure what one says on the fisrt start of a blogging life do you start with what you are doing at that time? (Which is snacking on sunflower seeds at the GSU Library while my husband studies for one of the hardest tests he will take this summer.) But really who cares about that? Do you talk about yourself? Tell people who you are and what you do? I've only just read one blog ever. And at that it was last night when after a slightly drunken night of wine my husband gets the idea that I would be a good blogger. (the wine by the way was really good, and it was only $7.00 a Costco steal if you ask me.) So I guess we shall see if the blog lasts longer than the wine did.